Monday 24 July 2017


To Be First Amongst Equal May Be A Far cry To Some But To Those Who See Beyond Today's Financial Crisis, It Could Be An Opportunity Waiting For You To Turn Into An Advantage That Can Change Your Life.

Here's a thought for the investment savvy people out there. The global economy is already in a state of Flux and trauma. Items for the citizens of underdeveloped countries will only get more tougher to purchase hence their standards of living will dip downwards. As inflation rates keep growing in Nigeria, the security keeps at its current state of volatility and we have this current gerontocratic system of ineptitude and near impotence for game changing ideas and proactive desire for progress.

Many a Nigerian will continue in ignorance (not their fault cause they know no better especially with the decrepit state of our educational system), and our almost inexplicable desire to celebrate remote and out dated modes of activities by this current government will only get stronger as everything I have described above gets worse. Why will it get stronger? [2% of those reading it may ask]. Because nothing turns a man towards servitude and sycophancy (not sure if that is a real word, but it works) better than poverty or if you think your are well to do, then for you, the struggle to maintain that standard already robs you of any desire to do anything else than "hustle" (all twists, adjectives and allegories of the word applies here please). Here's a tip of information based on just one fact for the same investment savvy 2%, "Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew on Monday announced new rules aiming to make it more difficult for United States companies to relocate overseas to lower their tax bills and wipe out the benefits for those that do." -This was culled from the NewYork post this morning and that's what the American congress under Mr. Obama are working on. If this is not a proactive move then I don't know what is. Not only is it a logical move to improve their economy by forcing the wealthy to spend their investment money right there in America, but it also reduces the prevalence of "Anonymous companies" and slave labour as it were.

So, you think you are living the life and maybe you really are (cause we will remind you with our envy) but that state may just be your undoing if you fail to invest. In the end, the Epidemiology of economic compartmentalized division can be summed up with the concept of "the cash flow quadrant".

A progressive state is not a situation that happens to you, it is a condition of the state of your mind. A friend said last night, "you have been cheated if you were not born in the 'west'". By that he means the western hemisphere. That that statement "may" be true (subject to opinion) should not change our state of mind and our quest to search for the best edge in proactive investment to change our lives. To my 2% I dedicate this piece hoping so vehemently that I too am one of them.

Originally posted: Sept 24, 2014.

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